3 Baggrundslitteratur




Børn i Klemme


Fokus på støtte til børn af forældre, der er ramt af psykisk sygdom

Hedman Ahlstrom B, Skarsater I, Danielson E. Children's view of a major depression affecting a parent in the family. Issues Ment Health Nurs 2011;32(9):560-567.


Van Parys H, Rober P. Trying to Comfort the Parent: A Qualitative Study of Children Dealing With Parental Depression. J Marital Fam Ther 2013;39(3):330.


Meadus RJ, Johnson B. The experience of being an adolescent child of a parent who has a mood disorder. J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs 2000 Oct;7(5):383-390.


Solantaus-Simula T, Punamaki RL, Beardslee WR. Children's responses to low parental mood. I: Balancing between active empathy, overinvolvement, indifference, and avoidance. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2002 03;41(3):278-286.


Rimehaug T, Borstad JM, Helmersberg I, Wold JE. The "invisible" children. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 2006 05/25;126(11):1493-1494.